Can You Afford Apple?



I know I for sure can’t. So how do I?

Many people today have a Macbook pro and it’s no longer an extreme luxury to have one. Well for me it is still one of those luxuries that I can’t afford brand new. When I graduated highschool I bought myself a Macbook and I was so happy and proud of myself. That was in 2009! I am 28 working a full time job with benefits and paying off student loans in the year of our lord 2020. That same white Macbook got me all the way to 2018 with little to no issues. Honestly it still works pretty great still, but like everything it was starting to show it’s age. The screen was not a retina display, so the resolution and color were off. When editing photos, videos etc it is essential for those things to be spot on. I don’t want to edit a photo thinking i made the photo clear and white and it’s actually yellow and still grainy. So with that being said it was time for a “new computer”. The MacBook had been the only computer i’ve used in years and like so many other people I have fallen for the apple rabbit hole and justify it by say “it’s just easy to use”.

I was ready to upgrade from my 2009 MacBook and so I went on the hunt to find a refurbished Macbook. I spent maybe a few hours on the search and then boom, came across my screen. A site dedicated to refurbishing products and giving you the best product for a great price. I headed straight to the Apple corner of the site and there is where I started my search for my perfect upgrade. After about a week of comparing products I settled on getting an older 2011 iMac (1TB) that was in almost perfect condition and was only $300. I personally do not mind getting an older iMac due to the proof of my still fully capable 2009 Macbook. So I had absolutely no worries that it would not do what I needed it to. So after 4 days my iMac arrived and It did not disappoint. It was in perfect condition. 

The only thing I should have done was research a little more about the cut of years for updates. I was not aware that the cut off for new updates for iMacs is 2011. So that was solely on my part, but does nothing to hinder me from using the computer in any way.  Aside from that, i got a perfect iMac.

It’s been a year since I made that purchase and it still works perfectly fine. I even went back and got a 2012 Macbook Pro for about the same price as the iMac. So if you are in the market for a “new” laptop checkout They have everything apple and other brands. All the products come with a 1- year warranty just in case something does seem quite right.

So can you afford new products? Obviously that answer depends. Can I afford new apple products? The answer is no, no i can not.